Penis enlargement medicine side effects 

Penis enlargement medicine side effects 

As we all know that the penis enlargement pills are not regulated by FDA (Food & Drugs Administration), so there are lots of side effects of taking pills to enlarge penis. These pills can cause headache too and irritation in your body. Males always thinks , penis enlargement is a matter of concern and they also loose their self confidence by thinking continuously about it. It is also a cause of depression and anxiety. Don’t overthink about it and divert your mind with lots of other work. Keep your diet healthy. It will also effect the health of penis in positive terms and make the penis healthy. If you feel any kind of discomfort pertaining to your penis, immediately contact sexologist and follow the routine. One of the major negative effects of using pills is that it can cause erectile dysfunction also and in this situation, you can feel discomfort because it causes the hormonal imbalance in the body and also decrease the level of dopamine and testosterone hormone. Dopamine is responsible for happiness, so we can surely say that the pills also has negative effect on your mental health. At the time of erection, the blood fills in the tissues of penis and it causes the stiffness. So, we can say, the tissues in penis are responsible for the size. If you take pills regularly, it can increase the blood flow in these tissues. So, the penis enlargement pills are not related to the size of penis. In today’s blog, we are going to tell , what are the side  effects of penis enlargement medicine or pills. 

Body ache  

Taking Pills regularly can cause body ache and headache also. It can also affect the muscles and can cause the muscle ache also. Some medicine has severe effects and some has normal. So, in any kind of discomfort, consult your doctor. 


In some of the cases, penis enlargement medicines also effect the gut health. To reduce the effect of medicine, you should include healthy fruits in your diet and if you don’t feel good, concern the doctor And follow a healthy diet routine.  


Penis enlargement medicine also has adverse effects on the vision and it can also cause the eyesight problem. It can cause you to be unable to read the small fonts. It can cause other issues, example, you can also feel the discomfort in hearing. 

Hormonal imbalance 

Penis enlargement medicine can block the release of dopamine and testosterone hormone and testosterone is responsible for the sex drive and sperm production. If the testosterone level decrease in the body, it may cause erectile dysfunction. The medicines also effect on your energy level because testosterone boosts energy and keep the penis and other parts active.  


Medicines may affect the skin tissues also and make the skin red and day by day, it may increase the problem and can spread to other areas of body.  

Sexual health is necessary and it is advisable by the doctors to maintain the proper hygiene. It is necessary to wash penis area and avoid using the condom with worst material because it may cause infection on the skin. Sometimes, it causes bumps or rashes on the penis skin. The penis skin is very sensitive and lack of hygiene may cause more problems. To avoid the risk on sexual health, follow the routine and don’t feel anxious in your daily life. It can cause low self confidence. Whenever you feel that the problem is getting worse, immediately express it to your doctor. Penis enlargement medicine can make temporary enlargement.  

Dermal penis filler injection is the other option to make the penis large permanently. It’s a procedure to inject the filler in the shaft of penis. In one or two weeks, the filler integrate in the tissues of the penis and make the tissues more active and are responsible for the enlargement of penis permanently.